The New LNT™ Therapy seeks the balance of the individual in all aspects: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
It is based on quantum energy, developing specific techniques to help people overcome obstacles, resolve inner conflicts and achieve greater well-being and authenticity in their lives.
It affects the root of the problem to promote the flow of energy and solve its blockages. It does not require any instruments and can be done face-to-face or remotely.
Dowsing is complementary to The New Therapy™ ; it is performed with a wooden pendulum, and is used both to raise the energy of any living being - also animals and plants - and to clean accumulated energetic pollution.
Face-to-face with adults
Infants, children and adolescents (minors)
Elderly, animals and spaces
LNT™ Therapy is defined as a technique that works from the quantum power with the intention of healing at the physical, energetic and spiritual levels. It recognizes the existence of three bodies in living beings: physical, energetic and spiritual, which can be deformed due to traumas. These traumas, whether acquired or inherited, remain blocked in the bodies and are considered the origin of various diseases.
The application of the LNT™ technique promises numerous physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. (...)
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