Welcome to Síncresis Terapia
On this site you will find the types of short-term therapies I offer, their principles and how they can help you:
— Wingwave™ Method
— Systemic
— The New Therapy, LNT™
— Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
— Timeline
— Personality Enneagram
Languages 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇬🇧 🇩🇪
On this page I highlight my main areas of training. If you would like more details, please visit the “About me” section.
I offer services as an NLP, Wingwave™ and LNT™ therapist.
I trained in Claudio Naranjo's SAT Program (integrative psychotherapy and enneagram). I collaborate in the Portuguese SAT Program since 2017.
I am a Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) at the Institut Gestalt of Barcelona (2019).
I have the following qualifications in Wingwave™ method:
– Wingwave™ Coaching from the Cora Besser-Sigmund Institut of Hamburg and the Institut Gestalt of Barcelona (2019)
– “How to do Wingwave™ online” from Symbiotik Institut (2021)
– Family and organizational constellations with Wingwave™ Coaching, Centro La Seda, Granada (2022).
– Observer in the Wingwave™ Coaching Certification, Institut Gestalt de Barcelona (2024).
I am a trained therapist in LNT™ therapy (Madrid, promotion 66, 2022).
Here is a list of symptoms wich may help you decide if you might benefit from the therapies I offer.
Anyone will benefit from therapy, but if you have more of three of these symptoms, it would be great for you to do some work on yourself.
Síncresis terapia
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